Goal Setting Tips from Holistic Health

We are already a month in to the new year but that doesn’t mean you can start a new routine or set new goals.  Today is as good a time as any to do some goal setting!  As we make our way through 2021, the team at Warm Springs Holistic Health wishes everyone in the community a new year full of joy, wellness, and personal growth. We encourage you to aim high this next year, focusing your time and strengths towards the most meaningful aspects of your life. The first step in making powerful changes is being intentional and setting SMART goals.



Define your goal. What is it? How much or how long? The clearer your goal, the easier it will be to stay accountable.

  • Example: Joe makes a goal to walk for 15 minutes total per day, 5 days per week.



Determine a way to measure your progress and success. How will you know when you have completed your goal?

  • Example: Joe takes a watch with him on his walks with a timer set for 15 minutes. He stays accountable by marking an “X” on his calendar on each day he completes his goal.



Goals should be challenging but not overwhelming. Consider your baseline and if you have the resources, time, and environment necessary to support your goal. Are there any barriers that must first be overcome?

  • Example: Joe knows that he can walk 15 minutes safely and independently, though he has never focused on doing it consistently. He foresees the winter weather as a potential barrier and decides to perform his timed walks inside his home or at the grocery store on days when the sidewalk is icy.



Find a goal that is meaningful to you. Develop a plan that is motivating, empowering, and improves your quality of life!

  • Example: Joe chose walking as a goal because he wants to have enough endurance to hike to his favorite fishing spots, coach his grandchild’s softball team, and participate in outdoor festivals with his community.



Goals should have a starting point and ending point. Decide how long this goal should take you. Sometimes it is easier to manage shorter duration goals over a week or two before pursuing longer term commitments.

  • Example: Joe decides to focus on walking for 2 months. At that time, he will reflect on his progress, reassess his fitness level, and set a new more challenging goal.


If you have any questions or would like additional guidance in writing your SMART goal, please feel free to reach out to the Physical Therapy team at Warm Springs Holistic Health. As Zig Ziglar would say, “A goal properly set is halfway reached.”